Jason (jcreed) wrote,


Spent a few hours talking with fancybred and neelk about logic stuff. Quite fun. Neel didn't have enough time to talk about his thing, but I hear he's going to talk about it at the ConCert meeting, so I should go to that.

After running into chrisamaphone and gwillen, I was peer-pressured into going climbing for the first time in months. I am quite rusty, but I managed to do two V1s by the end of the evening. I used to be up around V1/2s occasionally being possible, and most V1s being routine, but not so much after not going for so long.

Then I went to the Quiet Storm to see the Advantage show techstep told me about. The stuff they played that I actually recognized was Goonies II, Bubble Bobble, Zelda (dungeon, not overworld, sadly) and Metroid. Pretty rockin'.
Tags: climbing, music, work

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