Jason (jcreed) wrote,

What the fuck am I doing? I'm covered in bees! Help! I'm covered in bees!

I watched "Invasion of the Bee Girls" over at the Beeler house. For some reason it was rereleased as "Graveyard Tramps" which makes no sense at all. There's no graveyard whatsoever. The actual plot, such as it is, involves, in fact, girls who are somehow bees. It was made in the early 70s, and there's radiation and mutation and stuff. It was pretty hilarious.

The Oracle of Bacon says: Al Bordighi has a Bacon number of 2.
Al Bordighi was in Invasion of the Bee Girls (1973) with Ben Hammer
Ben Hammer was in Sleepers (1996) with Kevin Bacon
Tags: movies

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    Didn't sleep well. Long day of work. Dinner with akiva at hanamichi.

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    K was going to do a thing for her dad's birthday, but scheduling kept slipping and slipping so I guess we're going to try doing it tomorrow instead.

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    Had a pleasant lunch with paul and gabe back from working-at-facebook times. Discussed the important issues of the day, by which I mean video games…

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