But the really heroic thing I did was take the bus and subway from la hejmo de Suzanne all the way to McGill without getting lost! I totally thought I would. Me and unfamiliar public transportation in foreign countries: we don't always see eye-to-eye. More like eye-to-what-the-hell-I-think-I-was-suppo
Oh, and Canada is like really, really a foreign country. I mean, I knew this, but it took calling someone and getting someone that only speaks French, leaving me sputtering and embarrassed, to really drive the point home. On the plus side, I love the sound of Quebecois French, even though I can't understand any of it outside of little words and phrases like maintenant and bonjour and peut etre. It's just like how Canadian English sounds like a chummier, hey-there-buddy-how's-it-goin-eh version of English to me.