Jason (jcreed) wrote,


Added iso8559-1 glyphs to codon and codon-bold.

Hey! Adobe actually released the Black Book
(Type 1 spec) as PDF. So much for needing to bother
with OCRing the sucker.
The encryption algorithm is trivial to implement.
Trying to implement an editor for this may be
tricky if I want to actually allow hinting, and
extremely tricky if it is to be able to read in
existing type 1 fonts.

Went to Max's, German restaurant.

Got robbed. Fucking fuck.
I didn't lose much (phone, cd player/alarm clock, change)
but roommates did (tv, video game systems, movies)
Feels so fucking annoyingly weird now, though.

  • (no subject)

    Some further progress cleaning up the https://xkcd.com/1360/ -esque augean stables that is my hard drive. Tomato chicken I made a couple days ago…

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  • (no subject)

    Dinner with akiva and dannel at nuevo portal in carroll gardens. Ate a pile of chicken stew and rice and beans and maduros, good times. I do miss…

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