Jason (jcreed) wrote,

Took the Van Galder down to Chicago. I stupidly left the suitcase I packed behind by
accident. Oh well. Going without a shower and a change of clothes sucks, but
it's just one night.

Hanging out with Norm was really fun, though. Wandered around downtown chicago,
and northwestern campus, saw norm's office, went back to the house,
watched a shitload of west wing. Great show so far.

  • (no subject)

    Some further progress cleaning up the https://xkcd.com/1360/ -esque augean stables that is my hard drive. Tomato chicken I made a couple days ago…

  • (no subject)

    Did some personal archaeology. Helped a little with laundry. Threw some chicken, onions, tomato, stock, peppers in the slow cooker and hopefully…

  • (no subject)

    Dinner with akiva and dannel at nuevo portal in carroll gardens. Ate a pile of chicken stew and rice and beans and maduros, good times. I do miss…

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