Jason (jcreed) wrote,

Waaaaaaaaaaugh, being in a foreign country all alone with noone to talk to in English makes me feel all loopy in the head. Also the time-zone switch. But: (a) even though they may roll their eyes at the dunb ameican, there is a sufficiently dense set of english-speaking italians such that my totally misunderstanding the public transit system did not result in me being stranded in the roman countryside. (b) S-o Corsetti estas tre, tre afabla kaj pacienca kaj helpema pri mia balbutita peuxdoesperanto... (c) I should be able to find more conferencey people tomorrow, so I won't go insane with the no-english quite yet.

But anyway, here I am at the conference venue, with a net connection. Result: postcards.

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  • (no subject)

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