Jason (jcreed) wrote,

Well, holy crap, that TPHOLs paper got accepted. Just when I was thinking I had found enough holes on it to guarantee rejectination, meaning that I would get out of revising it. No such luck! Actually, talking it over with brigitte lately has been really useful. So... yeah. Off to Rome in September. Need to snag me a copy of Pasporta Servo.

Also, the name of Dawn McLaughlin popped up again, strangely, as I popped over to hunt to peek at "The Syntax of ASL". She is one of the coauthors. The original occurrence was in a paper whose title I have already forgotten, that kaustuv showed me. Somehow I have yet to develop any sense that draft papers of mine are t0p s33krit things that can only be shown to a couple trustworthy people. Is that attitude there to insure that people don't steal your ideas? Maybe when I start having good ideas I will be able to sympathize.

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