Jason (jcreed) wrote,

In a good mood due to being productive at the last minute. Got a dozen and a half slides for the ConCert meeting talk tomorrow and a reasonably clear idea of what to talk about. I think I can get away with skimming over the parts I understand less and focusing on the technical bits. Should be fun, and the senior thesis midsem talks the next day should be easy by comparison.

Then to worry about the poster thing.

  • (no subject)

    My old housemate Adam would occasionally cheer me up by saying "everything is terrible and nothing is good" with a cheerful smile. It always worked.…

  • (no subject)

    I think this is a fantastic example of creative misprision. I may not be using that phrase the way Harold Bloom meant it, but if not, I think I'm…

  • (no subject)

    I find this thing really amusing: http://dotsies.org/

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