Jason (jcreed) wrote,

This is like two years old, but I hadn't heard of it, and it is super creepy and interesting: a clock-displaying robot thing powered by houseflies. How is it powered by houseflies? Does it harness the energy in their beating wings or something? Oh, no, no, no. That wouldn't be creepy enough. It eats them. Well, technically, bacteria do, and the robot steals their energy. Is it unfair to consider the bacteria to be part of the robot? You tell me.
Tags: robots, science

  • (no subject)

    Guy from Seattle team we've been working with showed up today at work; no matter how much I'm generally comfortable working with remote teams (and I…

  • (no subject)

    Didn't sleep well. Long day of work. Dinner with akiva at hanamichi.

  • (no subject)

    Sean's back in town --- good fun working with nonremote teammates.

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