Math library (in DRL, the
Engineering library (in Towne: so-so books)
Irvine Hall Basement practice rooms (good pianos)
Trophy Bikes (though they were closed by the time I got to them - I'll try again monday to see if they have any good helmets or side-bags/baskets)
With a piece of string cut by dull-bladed xacto knife (CVS had a pair of scissors for $10: highway robbery, man...) and two bowline knots (looked up on the internet how to do them) I have a little thingy to connect two preexisting screws in the bathroom over which to drape a long strip of paper towels (in the classier future: fabric?) in order to cover the street-facing window in my bathroom. I don't know why people put non-frosted-glass windows in bathrooms. I am not a huge stickler for privacy as a rule, but I don't like people on the street being able to see me while I am peeing.
Bought a mop and cleaned the bedroom.