Jason (jcreed) wrote,

Got some paper writing done today. Still lots more to do before Monday, argh.

Anathem continues to be a super fun read about 300-400 pages in. I heard a rumor the ending is a let-down, and I am hoping it's false. There is slightly too much similarity between Ardre and the real world, i.e. too many cute parallels that aren't really inventive so much as renaming, but the story is engaging.
Tags: books, writing

  • (no subject)

    Guy from Seattle team we've been working with showed up today at work; no matter how much I'm generally comfortable working with remote teams (and I…

  • (no subject)

    Didn't sleep well. Long day of work. Dinner with akiva at hanamichi.

  • (no subject)

    Sean's back in town --- good fun working with nonremote teammates.

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