Jason (jcreed) wrote,

Last night Sherbrook achieved dinner party madness again! The dessert with frozen strawberry and lime mush I liked. Quesadillas were good too.

I have this notion that the proof irrelevance modality ought to be logically equivalent to the composition of two distinct monads — just enough to cause it to not be idempotent — but I can't prove one direction of the equivalence I expect to hold.
Tags: food, math, social

  • (no subject)

    Still watching "Hell on Wheels". The characters motivations frequently make no sense at all, but at least they killed off the by-far most annoying…

  • (no subject)

    Watched some more "Hell on Wheels". Second season got dark fast.

  • (no subject)

    Tried watching ep 1 of "Hell on Wheels", which my dad recommended. It has a vaguely Deadwood feel, although the dialogue doesn't obviously sparkle…

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