I used to think about how blind people might "visualize" the space around them, being as how they must still perceive and remember the "thereness" and "not-thereness" of obstacles and space.
I really do love sometimes the powerful simplicity of the vocabulary that my education has afforded me: I know that I mean to call this experience a function R3 → bool. I think this is maybe what the artists mean by "form"? And obviously R2 → bool is another favorite domain, because it's where fonts live. And the subset of R2 → R4 that is nice alpha-blended color vector images... Anyway playing with 3d modelling tools lately has continued to make me strangely oversensitive to the staggering beauty of forms out in the world, the awkwardly-different-cliques-at-a-party way the ones we humans have contrived abut the plants and dunes of snow.
A Mad Mex burrito is sometimes tremendously satisfying. Now is one of those times. I feel like I am being tricked by how coarsely they cut their chicken into giant chunks, but I am ok with being so tricked.
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